Just before you make any decision for your property improvement you have to be sure which you will possibly get a great item for your self. Form above truth, Pulsar try to correct probably the most critical reason of generating the item perfect for you. And at the moment we are incredibly proud to present to you our amazing Pulsar Digisight N550 Riflescope the smart notion for your property. And we are willing to do whatever its take to make our item is very good enough for every home.
Pulsar is attempting to make the best or this most recent item for the market. By the quite clever skill of our technicians created this item perfect for you. Although you'll find countless similar products with our item from yet another factory everywhere specially on the web, we are confident that with our exceptional quality and clever notion of generating this item will confirm you and everybody that this amazing Pulsar Digisight N550 Riflescope is generate specially for every home including your property too. We've been modifying this item with all our encounter to make this item be probably the most conclusion home improvement item on the web worldwide.
So we are quite convinced that Pulsar Digisight N550 Riflescope will probably be the excellent invention which you ever bought. And you are going to fall in enjoy with this smart item and glad which you have a chance to acquire it for your lovely home.
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Digital riflescope Digisight N550 is a perfect combination of the latest developments in the field of optics and electronics. Along with good optical characteristics (fast aperture focusable lens 50 mm ƒ1.0, 67 mm eye relief) the riflescope features a wide range of options which allow it to be tuned to one's personal needs. The riflescope uses a highly sensitive CCD array (with a range of operation illumination 0.00003 - 30000 lux), image is transmitted to a VGA display, 640x480 pixels. The Digisight N550 also has Sum Light function which automatically increases CCD array sensitivity under low light conditions.
- Great viewing range and image quality
- Sensitive CCD array
- Video output/ video input
- One-shot zeroing
- Built-in IR illuminator with honeycomb blind
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